Monday, November 17, 2014

How To Post Your Stuff

Before we talk about posting your items, we would like to highlight some of the new changes we put into PixiboardTM in this last week.  First, we made some improvements to PixiChat™ so that message chains are easier to follow.  Both to and from messages on a single chain are grouped together.  Also, you are able to collapse and expand your message chains.  Second, we have added a line on invoices to cover the shipping of items.  Pixiboard™ is a safe place for local buying and selling but we understand that sometimes that the click-and-collect model (buy online and pick-up at the store) just will not work.  Sometimes you just want to click it and ship it.
PixiboardTM is a safer, easier, more secure place to sell the stuff you want and buy the stuff you need.  Posting things to sell on Pixiboard™ is as easy as one, two, three.  It is the same process whether you are using your smartphone, your tablet, or your laptop.
Simply sign in, click on the orange Post button on the black toolbar, and select “By You” (“Buy Us” is the PixiPost process which we will talk about another time).  This opens the Build Your Pixi function.  All you need to post a pixi (item) is a photo, a title, a category (select from the list), a location (start typing), a price (you decide), and a description (unlimited text, for now).  After that, click Next, review your pixi, and click Done.  Your pixi is on its way to being posted to the board!

"Well," you say, "that is all simple but how do I create pixis that sell?"  Here are a few posting tips to make the most visually appealing pixi:

1.     Always use more than one photo (preferably from multiple angles).  We allow up to fifteen.  Yes, sometimes you may not have more than one photo but, remember, people are not going to be able to physically inspect your item until the exchange.  The better you present the object, the quicker the deal can be closed.

2.      Always highlight important features.  If the item has unique marks or certifications, take a picture zooming in on that area.  The more visible information you can provide, the less questions you will have to answer.

3.      Order your images from first to last before you upload them.  The first photo in your group is the one that will be displayed for your pixi on the Browse page.

4.      Keep your pixi title clean and to the point.  A good rule of thumb is to use three words.  Sometimes this may not be possible.  Remember, the Browse page displays your pixi’s first photo, its title, the location, the price, and the category.  Clean titles peak interest.  Crazy titles have people looking elsewhere.

5.      Chose a location that is convenient for you.  Living in Haight-Asbury but select San Francisco does widen the available location but it also creates the expectation that you may be willing to travel to any place in the city to make the sale.  Haight-Asbury shows up when people browse in the SF Bay Area of San Francisco, so do not worry about getting the eyes.  We will take care of that for you.  Your location should be as specific as possible for you to exchange your item conveniently.

6.     Price appropriately.  Everyone knows the price they will sell something for but sometimes it is hard to gage what is the price that you can get.  PixiboardTM is working on some tools to help do that but, in the meantime, the best way to estimate the going price to do a little search for similar items for sale.  Look in and outside of PixiboardTM.  Simple Google searches will fetch valuable results.  Remember, the better your pixi is priced, the quicker it will sell, and the more money will be put into your pocket.

7.      Keep description interesting but relevant.  That usually falls somewhere between A Tale of Two Cities and a couplet.  Your picture(s) lure buyers in, your title grabs their attention, but your description closes the deal.  Add a little color, stick to the necessary details (size, color, condition), and sell, sell, sell.
PixiboardTM provides a seamless shopping experience.  You can post, buy, sell, share, and pay all within the unified environment.  You don’t need to go to another messaging system.  You don’t need to figure out how to pay or get paid.  PixiboardTM is your one-stop shop for local commerce.

Thank you for your support.  Next time we’ll talk about how PixiPayTM, our integrated payment system, makes life easier for both the buyer and seller.  Now get out there and sell the stuff you want and find the stuff you need!

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