Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Start Fresh and Declutter Yourself

"How much for the beautiful idol,
Mr. Jones?"
We are two weeks into the year.  How are those steps in decluttering coming along?
That's ok.  Not everyone rushes out of the gate to tackle that extra pile of stuff that accumulated at the end of the year.  And it is hard to unload that "backup" laptop or that sweater grandma gave you (even though she gave you the same one for your birthday).  It's tough to let go of the past.  But that is why we are here.
Start fresh and declutter yourself!  The best way to begin is to grab a large plastic trash bag and two boxes and go straight to that closet.  There are really only four types of things you have in there:
  • Things you need
  • Things that are trash
  • Things that you can give away
  • Things that you can sell
For things that you need to stay, if you must have that Goodfellas poster signed by Joe Pesci's stylist, by all means keep it.  You probably do need those seasonal clothes.  But, do you really need two overcoats?  Be nice to the things you keep and give them some breathing room.  Move out some of that extra stuff!

"Do I amuse you?"
Things that are trash, stuff into the plastic bag.  If you have to straighten it out and blow dust off it, it can probably go in the bag.  That old Halloween costume your date threw up on?  Yep, into the bag.  Get rid of anything wadded up, stuck together, or stuffed behind.  Trash is trash.  You know it.  I know it.  Stuff it in the bag.  Get it out of there.
Things that you can give away should be carefully folded, noted, and put into a box.  That pair of running shoes you bought for last year's New Year's resolution and never made it past one trip around the block?  Someone else can probably use them.  Your "fat" clothes for just in case you got big again - why tempt yourself?  It's a big world out there.  Put it in the box and give 'em away.  Goodwill and other organizations will be glad to help you share.
After those three steps, then you will see the things you can sell.  You have two BeatsPills?  Someone will buy that.  The old golf clubs?  Someone will buy those, too.  The cookware your mom replaced for you this last holiday?  Yep, somebody's got to eat.  Even that collector's wall art that had to come down for the Goodfellas poster can be sold.  Into the box.  Sell that sucker.  But where is the easiest place to do that?  Glad you asked...

PixiboardTM is the visual marketplace for everything local.  No more wondering what items look like.  No more exposing your e-mail to strangers.  No more sketchy meet-ups.  No more fumbling to make change.
We are a visual, safer, and simpler way to buy and sell your stuff.  Everything can be done in three steps or less.  You snap it and post it.  Others see it.  You sell it.  And the cashless transaction moves the money safely and immediately into your account.  Clutter for cash.  Everybody wins.

Party like it's 2015!  Start fresh.  Declutter your life.  Share your stuff.  Put some money back in your pocket.

#safelocalselling #snapitseeitsellit #nohasslesnosketch

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