Sunday, December 14, 2014

How to Vet Your Sellers and Buyers

PixiboardTM is a seamless, safe environment for buying and selling your stuff.  It’s visual, so there is no more wondering what items look like.  Messaging is integrated, so no more exposing your e-mail to strangers.  It’s cashless, so no more fumbling in strange places to make change.

Last time we talked about the advantages of PixiPayTM, our cashless payment process.  Using PixiPayTM makes the financial transaction safer.  But how can you make things safer before the purchase?

PixiboardTM allows up to fifteen images per pixi so you can really get a good look at an item before even considering a purchase.  PixiChatTM is our integrated messaging system allows you to vet both the buyer and the seller before a potential transaction.

To maintain your safety and make sure you fully understand what you are buying, do the following basics before jumping into the deal:
  1. Avoid sharing your e-mail with strangers
  2. Ask the questions about the unstated
  3. Determine a safe meet-up
Just as PixiPayTM never provides your credit card information to a seller, PixiChatTM never exposes your e-mail to a stranger.  PixiChatTM allows you to interact with the buyer or seller within the safety of the PixiboardTM platform.  You can message back and forth, ask questions, and verify information without providing your e-mail to the other party.  It is all done within the safety of PixiboardTM.

ABC to a salesperson means “Always Be Closing”.  We like to think you should also “Always Be Checking” and “Always Be Chatting”.  Online vetting is increasingly being used by potential employers and other acquaintances to vet people's online presence or reputation. It works for them; you should make it work for you.  Once you do your basic research, review the item and ask the questions.  Use PixiChatTM to do your back-and-forth.  When you are comfortable with the answers and understand what you are getting and who you are meeting, move forward with the deal.  Not everyone is out to get you but there is no sense in getting catfished.

In PixiboardTM, sellers are either going to offer to meet-up with you, have you come to their place of business, or ship your purchase to you.  Use PixiChatTM to get comfortable with whichever option is presented.  Once you have the price, comfort, and delivery method determine, purchase that pixi!

PixiboardTM is a safer, more secure place to find local items.  Browse the board to inspect what you want.  Use PixiChatTM to vet buyers and sellers.  Use PixiPayTM to complete the cashless transaction.  And, unlike other options, you do this all within the system.  Click, contact, and collect.

#visualcommece #cashlesspayments #safelocalselling #snapitseeitsellit #clickandcollect

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